Monday, October 29, 2007

A Member of COOPO Speaks Out . . .

This is frustrating. I had an entire post finished, and now, thanks to Blogspot's infinite wisdom in the way they created this program, I've lost it. So, now, I must try to recreate my original post . Please bear with me . . .

Something cool happened the other day. I was at Starbucks with a friend of mine and, behind me, a woman started singing along with Diana Krall, who was singing "I've Got You Under My Skin" over the speaker system. Some of it was a form of scat-singing and some of it was more of a straight-up sing-along type of thing. She was pretty good too.

Here's the thing: I envy that woman. I envy her lack of consideration about what other people might think of her. I have a problem doing that kind of thing. See, I'm a member of COOPO, the Cult Of Other People's Opinion. (I suspect you might be a member too) I have trouble being as spontaneous as I'd like to be because I (way too often) think about what other people will think of what I'm doing. Who gave them this kind of power to dictate how I live my life? The truth is, I did. It's my choice to allow other people to control me because of what they might or might not think about what I want to do. It's frustrating.

I'm going to try to cancel my membership with COOPO and live more authentically. Maybe, next time, I'll sing a duet with that woman in Starbucks . . .

In other news, thanks very much for the kind words about my poem. They mean a lot. I'd like to post some more soon. We'll see how that goes.

Over and out.

1 comment:

LittleDreamer said...

I'm with you on cancelling membership with COOPO. Perhaps we should form a support group... :)